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Sales tax identification number
according to §27 USTG: DE 188344374
Purpose of the internet project
Sale of design shirts
Copyright - motifs
Copyright - Copyright
Motifs may only be used on textiles, products, articles, etc. that are offered by Spreadshirt.
Skillz Design - Motifs
Trademark rights, copyright
Motives may only be used on textiles, products, articles, etc. printed by Spreadshirt.
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Trademark rights, copyright of various motifs Contact
Liability for content
The content of this site was made with the highest care.
We can guarantee that the content is correct, complete and up-to-date.
Liability for links to external third party websites,
there is no influence on their content, and no guarantee can be given for this third-party content.
The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of the linked pages.